+ Fr. Mark Gilstrap (04 SEP 2017)
+ Fr. Kalistos (1996)
+ Fr. Vladimir (1993?)
+ Fr. Gregory Williams (2016)
+ Fr. George T (Toronto - Feb 3, 2022)
+ Fr Michael Woerl (09-11-2019)
+ Fr. Stephanos (Oct. 26, 2021)
+ Fr. Pahomie
+ Fr. Pachomios + (Oct. 2021)
+ John, Priest (Presbyter)
+ Nun Nina
+ Nun Katherine
+ Nun Dionysia (2016)
+ Nun Brigit (Nov. 12, 2021)
+ Nun Mother Euphemia
+ Heiromonk Father Vasili
+ George
+ Irene
+ Nikoletta
+ Constantine
+ Maria
+ Nina
+ Victor
+ Zoia
+ Olga
+ Geza
+ Vasiliy
+ Ksenia
+ Vitaliy
+ Alexander
+ Evgenia
+ Meletios
+ Harold (2010)
+ Natasha (2011)
+ Valerii
+ Olga
+ Andrei
+ Garifalia M (Jan. 21, 2005)
+ Chrysostomos M (Oct. 17, 2005)
+ Athanasios K (Nov. 10, 2017)
+ Tryphon M (17 Jan 2016)
+ Athanasios N (Feb 22, 2022)
+ Savvas S (20 JAN 2021)
+ Avgerinos (Feb 20, 2022)
+ Vasilios (Oct 27, 2020)
+ Elias (Dec 21, 2021)
+ Kosta and Parthena (Oct 19, 2020)
+ Demetrios Merkouris (Aug 20, 2021)
+ Mihali & Elias
Ngar Kuen Lee (NON ORTHODOX 07 MAR 2022)
+ Emilia (2021)
+ Maximos (Aug. 2021)
+ Evgenia + (Oct. 14, 2021)
+ Margaret (Oct. 2021)
+ Joseph (Oct. 24, 2021)
+ Demosthene (Nov. 4, 2021)
+ Spyridon (Nov. 2021)
+ Galina (Nov. 11, 2021)
+ Thomas
+ Mihai
+ Giorgios (Nov. 14, 2021)
+ Sterios (July. 25, 2021)
+ Mihai
+ Stelian
+ Antoni D. (Jan. 9, 2022)
+ Olivia (Nov. 14, 2021 - non-Orthodox)
+ Constantin – list from Melania
+ Filoteia
+ Ioan
+ Constantin
+ Viorica
+ Constantin
+ Elena
+ Gheorghe
+ Ioana
+ Maricica
+ Arestita
+ Vasilica
+ Ligia
+ Constantin
+ Virgil
+ George
+ Paula
+ Vasile
+ Ovidiu
+ Mihai
+ Maria
+ Alexandra
+ Stavroula
+ Maria
+ Mary
+ Ioannis
+ Logothetis
+ John
+ Maria
+ Vasilios
+ Christina
+ Christos
+ Andrea
+ Constantine
+ Maria
+ Spiros
+ Demetri
+ Vasilios
+ Garifalia
+ Stella
+ George
+ Triantafilos
+ Katerina
+ Chrisanthy
+ Stella
+ Sofia
+ Konstantine
+ Maria
+ Katina
+ Vladimir (15MAR2022 – Flock from St. John’s Convent Odessa Ukraine)
+ Maria L (22MAR2022)
+ Elena
+ George L (09 APRIL 2022)
Eternal Memory for all our brothers and sisters who have reposed in Christ!
God grant rest and peace to those who have departed.
For those who took their lives, Lord have mercy:
+ Olga T (April 1st, 2019 God grant rest to her soul)
Peter S. (Jan. 12, 2022 - non-Orthodox – took his life and left behind three children)
Julia (Mar 28, 2022 – non-Orthodox – 15-year-old. Took her life – battled depression)