Our Story
The Story of the Akathist Group
How we got started.
Our group was originally formed during a trip to Jerusalem when many of us first started to gather together to read the akathist to the Mother of God. We have since created a facebook group run by the Schenone sisters. Now, we have made the akathist accessible to all on Zoom through this website and our facebook group.
All are welcome.
Our group was formed within the GOC (Genuine Orthodox Christians of America under the diocese of Metropolitan Demetrios). Our group includes catachumens along with Orthodox Christians and those who wish to participate in the akathist prayer.
Our Purpose.
Because the world is increasingly more difficult to navigate, and because isolation has become a great problem among many Christians, we have created a space for daily prayer in a virtual island for anyone to attend, feel connected, and to gain some solace from the sea of life.
Christ said that when people gather together in His name, He is there together with them (Mt. 18:20). Without discounting the power of personal prayer, communal prayer has that special element in it which is available when two or more people gather in Christ's name. Our group intends to facilitate this kind of prayer for all of us who do not have regular opportunities to meet.